Expert Antique Lighting Repair and Restoration
We also work on modern lights too!
(Sorry, no fluorescent or halogen lights)
When it comes to antique lighting repair, Wellesley Antique Lighting & Repair Inc. has you covered. Whether you need a simple cleaning for a recently purchased antique light or a complete restoration, we'll handle everything for you. Free quote on repair or restoration work. All quotes done in person.
Repair Options
We specialize in crystal chandelier restoration and refurbishing, but we also provide a range of other services for lighting systems, including:
Re-Casting/Adapting Missing Parts
Installations and On-Site Repairs
We offer installations by a master electrician, as well as on-site repairs and pick-up and delivery services for customers who purchase our lighting products. These services require notice in advance. Please note that we do not service fluorescent or halogen lighting fixtures.